Excel Quiz What formula was entered in Cell A3 (yellow highlighted cell)* =Financial Statements +A1 ="Financial Statements"+A1 ="Financial Statements"&A1 ="Financial Statements "&A1 In Column C below, if someone has scored at least 50 we would like it to say PASS. And if they scored less than 50 it should say FAIL. What formula should we enter into the yellow highlighted cell which can then be copied down into the green highlighted cells.* =IF(B2>50,"FAIL","PASS") =IF(B2>50,"PASS","FAIL") =IF(B2>=50,"FAIL","PASS") =IF(B2>=50, FAIL, PASS) =IF(B2>=50,"PASS","FAIL") =IF(B2>50, FAIL, PASS) =IF(B2>=50, PASS, FAIL) =IF(B2>50, PASS, FAIL) What is the shortcut key to cycle through the different types of absolute cell references* Alt + A F3 Ctrl + A F4 Ctrl + R Alt + R We have the following 2 sheets. What formula can we type into Cell C2 in Sheet 2 (the yellow highlighted cell) which can then be copied down to the green cells below that will bring in the student names from Sheet 1.*Sheet 1 Sheet 2 =VLOOKUP(A2,'Sheet1'!$A$1:$B$13,2,FALSE) =VLOOKUP(A2,'Sheet1'!$A$1:$B$13,2,TRUE) =VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet1,Student Name) =VLOOKUP(A2,'Sheet1'!A1:B13,2,FALSE) =VLOOKUP(A2,'Sheet1'!A1:B13,2,TRUE) None of the above Which function would give you the current date ?* DAY DATE NOW CURRENTDATE You are creating a spreadsheet to work out new prices for products, by applying a percentage price increase to last years price. You will enter the formula into the yellow highlighted cell and then simply copy it to the green highlighted cells below. What formula should you enter in the yellow highlighted cell i.e. Cell C5, so that it will work properly when copied down into the other cells* =B$5*$B$1 =B5*$B$1 =B$5*B1 =B$5*$B1 =B5*B1 =$B$5*$B$1 What are the shortcut keys for AutoSum?* CTRL and = ALT and S CTRL and S ALT and = You are building a Pivot Table with the fields as shown below. How would you build a pivot table that shows revenue by Province as well as Town.* Revenue into the Columns Area, Province into the Values Area and Town into the Values area Revenue into the Values Area, Province into the Filters Area and Town into the Row area Province into the Values Area, Revenue into the Filters Area and Town into the Rows Revenue into the Values Area, Province into the Rows Area and Town into the Rows area For the data below, you want to show the percentage of sales by product type for each year in a column chart. Which chart type should you use* B C A B and C A and C A and B You have the following data which is the sales for each product over the last few years. Someone has already created a chart. You want to display the growth trend for each product over time. What should you do?* Create 3 separate charts - one for each year Modify the chart to have the product type as the Legend and years on the horizontal axis. Change the chart to a pie chart Nothing - the chart is fine as is Change the chart to a 3D chart Besides sorting on Cell Values, what other options can you sort on?* You can only sort on Cell Values Cell Color, Font Type and Formulas Cell Color, Font Color, Conditional Formatting Icon Only Cell Color and Font Color If cell A1 has the number "5.4342" , what formula should be used to round this number to the closest integer?* =MROUND(A1,10) =MROUND(A1,0) =ROUND(A1,0) =ROUND(A1,1) Would you like to see which answers are correct ?* Yes No Click on the button below to see what % you scored. Please note this will only give you your overall result. To get the detailed answers please select Yes above. Please enter your email address*We will then send you an email with all the correct answers.