Building Websites with Wordpress

Wordpress is the most popular software used to build websites – over a third of all websites on the internet are built with Wordpress. 

The Wordpress software itself is also totally free – making it a popular choice.

If you know nothing about how to build a website, this course will take you from a total beginner up to an intermediate level. 

In this course we teach you how to build:

  • Brochure type of websites e.g. websites for businesses where they provide information on their products and services. This could be for an accountant, bookkeeper, lawyer, plumber and so on. 
  • Blogs – a website where you can publish multiple articles on a particular topic and have them categorised and dated. You can also have multiple authors.   

If you take this course you can get a return on investment fairly quickly.

For example

  • You could save the money you were planning to spend on hiring a web developer to build a website for your own business.
  • You could build websites for other businesses and charge them for it. In fact, you can cover the cost of this course by selling just 1 website that takes you only a couple of hours to build. 

Every business / company out there needs a website. Even if it is just to provide information about their products and services, their location and contact details. These are called brochure websites and there are thousands of website designers all over the world who make a full time living from building these types of websites.

What you will learn

In it you will learn:

  • What is domain registration and hosting
  • How to register a domain and setup a hosting account
  • How to install Wordpress – the most popular software used to build websites
  • Using Themes and Plugins
  • Building Pages with the Block Editor (Gutenberg)
  • Managing Media – Images, Video, Audio and Files 
  • How to obtain free images legally
  • Adding a Contact Form to your site
  • Setting up a Menu
  • How to add Blog posts
  • Setting Categories and Tags
  • How to manage comments on your blog
  • How to get a logo designed for your site for free
  • Using the Customizer
  • And more… 

Types of Websites you can build

Click on any of the website images to open that website in a new tab.


Click on the play button to watch the video below.