How to become a Sage Certified Pastel Consultant and Trainer

We are regularly contacted by people who are interested in becoming Certified Sage Pastel Trainers or becoming Certified Sage Pastel Consultants .

Since Sage Pastel Partner is so widely used in South Africa, there is always demand for training as well as consulting on the use of the software which makes these great avenues to look into.

In fact, here at Talent Stream we often require trainers and consultants to send out to client sites, to do classroom training or to provide virtual support or training (using tools such Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Teamviewer).


If you are already a Sage Certified Consultant or Trainer please click here to get added to our database.

We often require Trainers and Consultants and will be able to contact you for opportunities if you are listed on our database.

Let’s now look at what courses you need to complete if you would like to go down this route.

Firstly, to become a consultant or a trainer there are certain essential courses you need to complete (we cover these in Step 1 and Step 2 listed below).

Then there are specific courses for trainers and specific courses for consultants.

You can, of course, complete all the courses and become both a trainer and a consultant if you so wish.

Remember, once you have completed this process you will be certified to train / consult people on both Sage Pastel Partner as well as Sage Pastel Xpress (which is simply a more limited version of Sage Pastel Partner).

STEP 1 – Sage Pastel Partner Practitioner course (known as Module 1)

Required by both Consultants and Trainers

The first step is to complete the Sage Pastel Partner Practitioner course. This covers the beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of Sage Pastel Partner from an end user perspective.

You can complete this course by attending a classroom course or by enrolling on our distance and online learning program.

To see what is covered in the Sage Pastel Partner Practitioner course as well as the latest courses prices please download the course outline here (and we will also send you some free lessons).

Once you have completed this course you will be proficient at working with Sage Pastel Partner and will be able to apply for many jobs which have Pastel as a requirement.

So at this stage you would already have obtained a valuable qualification.

STEP 2 – Complete the Installation Technician course (known as Module 2)

Required by both Consultants and Trainers

Once you have successfully passed the Sage Pastel Partner Practitioner course you will be ready to take the next step which is to complete the Installation Technician course in order to become a certified installer.

This deals with the installation of Sage Pastel Partner in different environments.

This course can done via self study (for R2 500 incl. VAT) or you can attend a classroom course over 2 days for R6 200 incl. VAT.

If you would like to enrol for this course please contact us.

Once you have completed this course you can choose to become a Value Added Reseller of the Sage Software. You will need to pay a separate registration fee to Sage and you will then obtain commissions / rebates when you sell the software to your clients.

Sage Pastel Partner Product Consultant Course (known as Module 3)

Required by both Consultants and Trainers

Sage Pastel Partner has a number of add-on modules that are not covered in the Practitioner course discussed above.

These add-on modules need to be separately purchased by any company that has Sage Pastel Partner installed.

Not all companies would use these modules i.e. only those companies which require the additional functionality.

The add-on modules include:

  • Multi Stores
  • Bill of Materials and Manufacturing
  • Serial Number Tracking
  • Multi Currency
  • Point of Sale
  • Receipting
  • Time and Billing
  • GL Manager
  • Sage Pastel Bank Manager
  • Sage Pastel Debtor’s Manager
  • Fixed Assets

This course deals with teaching you all of these modules so that you can provide consulting on them.

This course can be completed over 5 days in the classroom for R15 500 incl. VAT.

Alternatively you can complete it via self-study from home for R5 900 incl. VAT.

Certified Product Trainer Course

Final step to become a Certified Trainer

Once you have completed the Product Consultant course you can then take the final step to becoming a Certified Trainer on Sage Pastel.

This requires you to complete the Certified Product Trainer course.

This course is available via a combination of e-learning and a teaching session which you have to demonstrate over Microsoft Teams / Zoom.

The cost of this course is R6900 incl. VAT

NOTE: if you have already been certified by the ETDP SETA as a qualified trainer then you don’t need to complete this course. You would only have to provide proof to Sage that you have obtained the credit on the Train the Trainer unit standard i.e. 117871 – Facilitate learning using a variety of given methodologies.

If you would like to register for this course please contact us.

Please note that in order to provide certified training to others, you would need to either register as a training centre with Sage or you can speak to us where you can train under Talent Stream.

Sage Pastel Partner Product Specialist and Technical Specialist

Known as Modules 4 and 5

Required by Consultants

The final 2 courses that you would need to complete in order to become a fully fledged consultant are:

  • Sage Pastel Partner Product Specialist (Module 4). This is a 2 day course that can only be completed by attending a classroom course. In this course you will gain an in-depth knowledge of how the Pervasive database system works as well as a basic understanding of SQL commands. The cost of this course is R6900 incl. VAT
  • Sage Pastel Partner Technical Specialist (Module 5). This is a 2 day course that can only be completed by attending a classroom course. In this course you will learn how to fix corrupt data and also understand the difference between this and incorrect settings. The cost of this course is R6900 incl. VAT

Once you have completed this you would have completed all the courses to become a fully certified consultant.

In conclusion

Becoming a certified trainer or consultant on Sage Pastel Partner is a valuable qualification to have.

You can even provide training or consult on a part time basis e.g. over weekends or during the week day evenings.

If you have any questions please contact us here.

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  1. STEP 2 – Complete the Installation Technician course (known as Module 2)
    I’m done with level 1 -so I want to study level 2 Complete the Installation Technician course.
    Please assist

  2. Mabatho Chaba says:

    Hello, I studied Computerised financial system at school and I would like to have a certificate in sage as a consultant and trainer. I have 4 years of teaching computerised financial system.

  3. Hello. I taught myself pastel and payroll and i have been lecturing computerised financial systems for 5 years now. I am so good with most of the modules. I now want to become a certified trainer. Please guide me on what to do

    1. Zunaid Khan says:

      Hi Evelyn

      Please contact us to discuss further.

      Kind regards

    2. Zunaid Khan says:

      Hi Evelyn

      Please contact us to discuss further.

      Kind regards

  4. Corine Sigenu says:

    Hi Zunaid
    If I want to be a trainer or consultant, once o have completed the practione course what is the next step or which should I do to know that I properly qualified as trainer and consultant


    1. Zunaid Khan says:

      Hi Corine

      The next step is to complete the Installation Technician Course.

      Kind regards

  5. Zelda Bezuidenhout says:

    Good day

    I am interested in becoming a Pastel Trainer / technician. Could you send me the course outline to obtain my goal.
    if possible could you include the steps and costs that I need to follow
    I would prefer part time and online

  6. Micah Nwachukwu says:

    Good afternoon,
    I am interested in becoming a Sage Pastel Partner Trainer or Consultant.

    To register for the online course, how do I go about it? Am from Nigeria.

  7. Heiko Dorgeloh says:

    Good Day,

    We are a company based in Namibia.

    I receive requests ever so often within my Company on whether we are able to represent Pastel Products, without having to go the usual Consultant Route, for which the closest one at this stage is 400km’s away.

    Given the information you have provided herein, will it be possible fro me to attend to the courses, those available online, and what would you suggest can be done in terms of the ones where classes have to be attended?


    Heiko Dörgeloh

    1. Zunaid Khan says:

      Hi Heiko

      You can start off with the distance and online learning ones.

      With the others, the only option that I can think of would be to attend in Johannesburg or perhaps Cape Town would be easier for you.

      Hope that helps.

      Kind regards

  8. Justin Naidoo says:

    Good day, I am interested on becoming a Sage Pastel Partner Trainer and Consultant.
    To Register for the online Pastel Partner Practitioner Course which is the first step, how do I go about it? Can I register at any time?

    Thank you

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