Understanding the Menu Structure in Sage Pastel Partner

In this lesson we look at what functions are found under each menu item in Sage Pastel Partner.

This gives you a good “big picture” overview of how the program works.

All accounting programs work on these same principles i.e. they use the following sequence:

  • You create a new company i.e. you will do this for each set of accounts / books you keep. Each company is separate from the other.
  • You setup the company i.e. the different rules that will apply. For example, will your inventory be integrated or not, will open item or balance forward be used for customer and supplier accounts, and so on.
  • You create the master data i.e. the general ledger accounts (Chart of Accounts), Customer accounts, Supplier Accounts, Inventory Items and Cash Books.
  • You can then do transactional processing e.g. processing customer invoices, purchase orders, Good Receipts Notes, Credit Notes, Supplier Returns and so on.
  • You can then run various reports to get information out of the system e.g. a Trial Balance or Customer Statements.




Screenshots and Notes

File Menu – Pastel Partner

The File Menu is where you create new companies, delete companies, backup and restore them.

Each company is a separate set of books / accounts.

So when you open Pastel the first step is to make sure you are working in the right company.

Edit Menu – Pastel Partner

The Edit Menu is where you create and edit the Masterdata / Masterfiles for the company.

This includes adding (or editing) Customers (Debtors), Suppliers (Creditors), Inventory Items and General Ledger accounts.

You would do this as and when you need to e.g. when you have a new customer or a new inventory item that you are bringing into stock.

Adding or Changing MasterData doesn’t result in any financial transactions being processed so it won’t have a direct impact on the Trial Balance or Financial Statements of the company.

However, it needs to be setup before you can do any processing.

For example, if you want to process a sales invoice for a customer, before you can do so, you need the customer’s details on the system.

This includes details such as the customers name, the credit terms being offered to the customer, any settlement discounts and so on. All these things are part of the Customer Masterdata.

All of the inventory items being sold to the customer also need to be loaded on to the system before the invoice can be processed. The Inventory Masterdata will include details such as the item’s name, unit of measure and so on.

Similarly, before you can process purchases from any supplier you need the suppliers details to be loaded on to the system i.e. the supplier masterdata.

Only once the masterdata for a transaction is in place can the transaction be processed on the system.


Process Menu – Pastel Partner

The process menu is where the majority of the day to day work is done in Pastel in Pastel.

Here you will find functions to process the various types of transactions.

This includes:

  • For Customers – Quotations, Tax Invoices and Credit Notes
  • For Suppliers – Purchase Orders, Goods Received Notes (GRN’s), Supplier Tax Invoices and Return and Debit notes
  • For Bank and Petty Cash accounts – Cash Book processing.

As Pastel is an integrated system, as you process these transactions it will automatically create the necessary postings to the General Ledger accounts.


View Menu – Pastel Partner


From time to time, you will need to get information out of the system.

You do this by running different reports that Pastel provides.

You will find these under the View Menu.

There are many different types of reports available including Customer Reports (such as an Age Analysis), Supplier Reports (such as Supplier Balances), Inventory Reports as well as the Trial Balance and Financial Statements.

Change Menu – Pastel Partner

The Change Menu includes various miscellaneous functions.

This includes running month end and year end processes i.e. changing the period the system is currently set to.

It also includes functions to make changes to Master Data and Setup related items e.g. changing from open item to balance forward and deleting inactive customers / suppliers.

Setup Menu – Pastel Partner

The Setup is normally done immediately after creating a new company.

This involves setting up the default rules e.g. when creating a new customer what should the default credit terms be, should the customer be processed on an open item or balance forward basis.

The Auto Setup is an assistant in Pastel which will take you step by step through each of these screens.

Favourites Menu – Pastel Partner

If you access certain functions often you can add them to the Favourites Menu so that you are able to access them more easily.

Help Menu – Pastel Partner

You can access various help functions for Pastel under the Help Menu.


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  1. Hey guys

    Great course for sure and very straight forward,,,,,,by the way,,,,,,,,briefly how can you describe an “entry type” ……….wat is it?

    1. Zunaid Khan says:

      Thank you Vimba.

      Entry types deal with how subsidiary journals (e.g. Cash book entries, Sales Journals, etc) integrate into the General Ledger.

      This is a more advanced topic.

      We have a full video lesson (about 15 minutes long) covering this in the Practitioner course.

  2. I am battling to do a year end roll over. Assistance please

    1. Zunaid Khan says:

      Hi Roxanne

      We currently don’t offer support on live commmercial systems. However, if you are enrolled on our Advanced or Practitioner course please see the videos on year-end there and post on our Student Forum if you need any help.

      Kind regards

  3. do we have inventory management system in v11….(raw materials)

    1. Zunaid Khan says:

      Hi there

      It should (except that any Manufacturing is an add-on)

      That is a very old version of Pastel and I would strongly recommend upgrading.

      Kind regards

  4. Hey….. Is very helpful thnk you

  5. Petro Strydom says:

    Thank you for this info. I was looking for the bigger picture and this came in so handy!

    1. Zunaid Khan says:

      You’re welcome Petro.

  6. Thanks for the lessons. They are pretty easy to understand.

    1. Zunaid Khan says:

      You’re welcome Romanus.

  7. Hi Zunaid

    Thank you for your videos, they really come in handy, how does one edit a cashbook, I forgot to include a reference number and want to edit

    1. Zunaid Khan says:

      Hi Noma

      You can’t edit the entry after you have updated the batch. What you normally have to do is reverse it and re-post it with the correct reference.

      Kind regards

  8. lala Schee says:

    Thanks for the lesson, it was quite easy to understand

  9. Christina says:

    The program is great and easy to understand I’m gonna register as soon as I save enough money to register

    1. Zunaid Khan says:

      We look forward to having you on-board Christina.

      1. Biggie Matanda says:

        It helps a lot.

        What about isssue of batch number and codes

        1. Zunaid Khan says:

          Hi Biggie

          Those are covered in our full course.

          Kind regards

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